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December, 2022

The Beauty of Summer in Gangtey Valley

During the summer months of June, July and August the moody monsoon rains roll in from India and the valleys of Bhutan are blessed with abundant rain. These summer rains make for lush, fertile valleys, green paddy fields, forests dense with blue pine and rivers that hurtle by, full to overflowing with pristine waters from the mountains above. The valleys of Bhutan have never looked more beautiful.

Phobjikha (Gangtey) Valley is no exception. A glacial valley and high-altitude wetland located above 3000m on the western slopes of Bhutan’s Black Mountains, it is one of the country’s main conservation areas and a biological corridor squeezed in between Bhutan’s two largest national parks. It is also home to a diverse array of wildlife, including Bhutan’s famous Black Neck Cranes. Phobjikha is the wintering ground for these protected birds that are now sadly a globally threatened species and each year during the months of October to February more than 300 of them return to Phobjikha Valley from their summer breeding place on the Tibetan Plateau. The valley remains one of the few places in the world where these birds can still be seen.

There are two main rivers that flow through the valley and an ancient tale describes one, the Nakay Chhu, as a snake and the other, the Gay Chhu, as a wild boar. Legend has it that one day the two animals decided to race across the valley and they agreed that if the snake won, then rice would be grown in the region but if the boar won, the farmers would have to choose something else to grow. The Nakay Chhu meandered all over Phobjikha and eventually lost its way and so the boar won and the valley began growing potatoes, not rice like the rest of Bhutan!

Gangtey Valley View
Terrace Corner

Today it’s possible for guests, through our Gangtey Lodge Experiences, to visit a traditional Bhutanese farmhouse and join the family in harvesting potatoes along with other crops such as turnips and radish and also learn how to make homemade butter and cheese – all part of the experience of visiting this remote valley and its small, friendly community. You can learn more about our experiences here.

It is not uncommon for guests traveling to Phobjikha Valley to glimpse majestic views of the mighty Himalayas but during summer these vast mountain vistas are hidden, tucked behind the thick clouds that creep in and hang low and heavy in the warm afternoon. The valleys of Bhutan wait patiently for them to burst and when they do, these magical monsoon rains wash away the troubles of the day, leaving everything clean and sparkling in their wake.

Celebrating Tshechu In Gangtey Valley

There is a certain time every year when Bhutan comes alive in a vivid display of colour, music, dance and motion. This is a time when Bhutanese from all walks of life down tools, put on their finest, most elaborate clothes (exquisite hand woven kiras for women and ghos for men) and gather together for a day of joyful celebration.

Gangtey Lodge Team Updates: Sonam Dorji

Since we haven’t been able to welcome any guests to our lodge lately, we thought we would share with you all what our team has been up to while awaiting Bhutan’s borders to reopen. Below is an interview with our operations manager, Sonam Dorji, on his recent work with the Gangtey Lodge green team.

How Sustainability and Gross National Happiness impact daily life in Bhutan

Bhutan’s tourism tag-line is “Happiness is a place” and certainly there are few other countries in the world quite so rooted in a sense of place as Bhutan.

The Story Behind the World’s Fastest Vaccine Roll Out

On July 20th, Bhutan began the roll out of the world’s fastest inoculation program, reaching 90% of its eligible adult population with a second dose within one week.

Supporting the Conservation of Black-Necked Cranes

If Bhutan wears the crown for caring for the environment, then Phobjikha Valley is the jewel in that crown. Phobjikha Valley is one of the largest, high-altitude wetlands in Bhutan, situated on the western slopes of Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park.


Sous Chef Wangchuk travelled to Thailand in August of 2022 to train at the beautiful Chiva-Som in Hua Hin, winner of the ‘Top Destination Spa Resort in the World’ in the Conde Nast Traveler, Readers’ Choice Awards.